10 May, 2024
Endless exhaustion, no productivity, constant negativism– you might think it’s just one of those days that you got super lazy. But turns out it lasts longer than expected.
02 May, 2024
This article explores key strategies to enhance your online security, ensuring that your personal information remains protected from unauthorized access and cyber threats.
19 February, 2024
Whether you’re an experienced developer looking to expand your skills or an aspiring entrepreneur with an innovative vision, this guide is intended to offer valuable insights and practical advice. Let’s explore the essential steps and considerations needed to develop a standout route planner app perfectly suited to modern life.
08 February, 2024
Do you want to speed up internal intel gathering, or ensure your customers don’t get bored and bounce? Let’s take a look at why you should be optimizing your SQL queries for better database management.
02 February, 2024
Learning to code is a challenging task, especially if you’re a beginner. But if you are properly equipped, everything is possible. This article contains useful links and recommendations to achieve your coding goals faster and without spending any money.
08 December, 2023
API documentation is the set of instructions describing how developers can set up, integrate, and use this software to meet specific needs. It should include code samples, functional details, API call examples, and more. So, how do you write API documentation successfully? Here’s everything you need to know.
06 December, 2023
As developers, we have either had to write or read a technical article or documentation. What do you look for when you write/read an article? Is it the length of the article? Is the balance between theory and examples? In this blog, we will find out what makes a good article and how to write an effective one.
24 November, 2022
Here are 11 tips and tricks that will help you write better Python code and become a better programmer.
11 May, 2020
You are finally ready to pursue your career as a developer. Well, a big fat congratulations to you! It’s high time your homework begins! Whatever you choose to become, it does require a sincere commitment of time, effort, and resources (e.g. developer certification programs). You will need to make some hard choices such as which […]
10 March, 2020
Thinking about becoming a Freelance Developer? Freelancing can provide overall freedom for you to decide your working hours and salary. Let’s go over some common challenges, pros, cons and trade-offs you may encounter choosing this career path. Hopefully, my experience will help you make an informed decision. Challenge #1: Steady Income A strong point in […]
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