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July 05, 2024

How to Improve the Mobile App Onboarding Process
byAndre OentoroinCommunity

First impressions matter, especially for mobile apps. The onboarding process is the first interaction users have with your app, and it can make or break their decision to stick around.

A smooth and engaging onboarding experience helps users understand your app’s value and sets the stage for long-term engagement and retention. So, how can we make this experience great?

That’s what we’re going to discuss in this article. Before we explore some strategies, let’s first identify some factors that make an onboarding process memorable and pleasing for users.

What Makes a Mobile App Onboarding Great?

An onboarding process must be educative and informative, but we must not forget the visual appeal. Both an informative and appealing onboarding process can improve engagement and keep users coming back. 

When you create onboarding content for a mobile app, consider the following elements:

Simplicity and clarity: Aim to highlight the core features and benefits of your app with clear and concise instructions to help users get started without frustration.

Interactive elements: Use interactive tutorials or walk-throughs to allow users to learn by doing. This can help them better understand how to use your app.

Progress indicators: Let users know how far they’ve come and how much is left can keep them motivated. Progress indicators also provide a sense of accomplishment. 

Seamless transition: Use a smooth transition from onboarding to regular app use. Get users to a point where they feel comfortable using the app on their own.

Onboarding users are best using animated explainer videos. You can use screencast animations to provide tutorials and highlight features on your app. Videos are not only engaging but also visually appealing to engage users.For example, a furniture company, Multimo, can create an onboarding process on its mobile app to guide customers through making a purchase or pre-ordering customized products. The onboarding process in such apps can prevent confusion and may lead to higher sales.

How to Elevate the Mobile App Onboarding Process

Creating your mobile app onboarding process requires a well-structured plan. You can communicate concepts with your app developer team and find the best strategies to elevate the onboarding process.

Build trust and credibility before asking for permission.

Before requesting access to sensitive information or device features (like location, contacts, or camera), building trust and credibility with your users is crucial. Building trust must be gradually done to avoid bombarding users with multiple permission requests right at the start.

First, you can clearly communicate why you need certain permissions and how they enhance the user experience. For example, explain that access to location data will help provide personalized content or services.

You must also highlight any security measures you have in place to protect user data. To gain trust and credibility, consider including testimonials, user reviews, or endorsements from trusted sources.

Use clear language when explaining what the app does.

Clear messages are key when introducing your app to new users. However, making sure your explanations are easy to understand can be a real challenge and requires a deep understanding of your users.

We recommend never using jargon, as it can be irrelevant to users. Instead, use simple, everyday language rather than technical terms or industry jargon. Your goal is to ensure users of all backgrounds understand what your app does.

While guiding users to your app, get to the point quickly. Users want to understand your app’s value without wading through lengthy descriptions. Focus on the main functionalities and use images, icons, or short videos to illustrate how your app works.

Include a visible “skip” button.

Providing an onboarding process is great, but respecting user preferences must also come first. Giving users control over their onboarding experience can lead to higher satisfaction and retention. A way to do this is by offering a visible “skip” button.

Some users prefer to explore the app on their own without a guided tutorial. Moreover, mandatory onboarding can be a barrier for experienced users or those who are already familiar with similar apps.

A “skip” button reduces this friction. Make sure your “skip” button is easy to find and clearly labeled. This makes it convenient for users to opt out of the onboarding process if they choose to.

Show off the best features first.

The best comes first. Prioritize key features and highlight your app’s most impressive and valuable features right from the start to capture users’ interest.

Show users how your main features work. It’s best to explain them with engaging visuals, short videos, or interactive demos. This will help users learn icons and tools quickly and grasp your app’s functionality more effectively.

While highlighting key features, use engaging language and visuals to build excitement. For example, if your target users are young generations, use straightforward descriptions with friendly intonation to keep them hooked.

Don’t ask for too many things at once.

Overloading users with requests and information can be overwhelming. As a result, users may close your app, leading to higher dropout rates. To avoid this, use the step-by-step approach by breaking down the onboarding process into manageable steps.

Focus on the most important information and actions users need to take initially. As users become more comfortable with the app, additional features and requests can be introduced later.

In addition, simplify user actions. You can make each step simple and easy to complete. Avoid asking for too much information or too many permissions at once, which can be off-putting.

Use animations and visual cues to guide users.

Animations and visual cues can make the onboarding process more intuitive and engaging. You can use explainer videos to demonstrate how to use key features. For example, an animated hand or arrow can show users where to tap or swipe.

In other cases, you can also use visual cues like highlighting, zooming, or flashing to draw attention to important elements and actions. This helps users quickly understand what to do next.

However, keep in mind that when you use animations, ensure you show smooth transitions. Implement smooth transitions between steps to create a seamless experience. This reduces cognitive load and keeps users engaged.

Wrapping Up

A mobile app onboarding process must be effective to deliver maximum understanding for users. This process is necessary to ensure users understand the value of your app and feel confident using it. 

The above points are strategies for creating a mobile app onboarding process. Ensure users understand the value of your app and feel confident using it. Your goal is to make users feel welcomed and informed when using your app from the very first interaction.

Author Bio

Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award-winning animation video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order). 

mobile appsonboarding process

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