April 12, 2022
It’s time to announce the developer prize winners of our 22nd Developer Nation survey!
If you’re new to our prize draws: developers who take our surveys earn 100 points for every new survey completed, plus 10 points for providing their feedback about the survey. Benefits and rewards can be found here.
Achmad Ka’bi. Indonesia
Mikhail P., Kazakhstan
Kevin, Nigeria
Vikas S., India
h*******.4**@g****.c**, India
Aaron K. South Africa
s***********@g****.c**, India
4*******@q*.c**, China
Илья, Russia
d**********************@g****.c**, Venezuela
Abdulazeez, Nigeria
s***********@h******.c**, Turkey
Joel. Jamaica
Marvellous, Nigeria
YuHang Zhang, China
Luis, Mexico
Jessa, Philippines
p.l*********@g****.c**, India
r*******@y****.c**, Russia
Gokul, India
g********@n****.c**, South Korea
Akash, India
Akhilesh, India
Andresjs, Latvia
Carl , USA
d**********@g****.c**, India
Dhvani, India
Dmitriy, Russia
E., Bosnia & Herzegovina
Ken, Cameroo
Konstantin, Russia
m*****.b*******@g****.c**, Lebanon
Michael, Indonesia
o*******@g****.c**, Burkino Faso
Puspam, India
Raj, India
Ryne, USA
S., India
Sai, India
Surendra, India
t**************@g****.c**, South Africa
teawr9@mi.o, USA
V., India
w.k@g.c, India
w@z.c**, Indonesia
H., Turkey
j***.b*@g****.c**, Slovakia
m*****@m**.c**, USA
Patricia, UK
Eisenbruch, USA
a*************@g****.c**, India
h**********@g****.c**, USA
j**********@h******.c**, UK
p****.n****.2***@f*.u**.a*.i*, Indonesia
s*********@g****.c**, USA
F., Slovenia
Victor, Mexico
Massimo F., Italy
A, India
Adrian, Germany
Alex, Israel
Ashley, UK
Brian, USA
Damian, Hungary
Ivan D, Brazil
Jon, USA
Kirill, Russia
Mario, South Africa
Roberto, Spain
S., UK
Yohanes, South Africa
Abdul H., Indonesia
Adam R., Sweden
Andy D.,Australia
Ankit, India
Antti K., Finland
C., Taiwan
Cristian, Colombia
David F., Japan
Dominic, UK
E., Cyprus
Elijah, Uganda
G, Italy
Gideon, UK
James, Uganda
Karl F., Germany
Liliana I., Mexico
Lucas H., Argentina
Marc S., Germany
Mika L., Finland
Miroslav C., Slovakia
Niraj K., India
Patrica M., USA
Petermaria, Switzerland
R., Malaysia
R., UK
Shadi, Egypt
Shinzo S., Japan
Shubham, India
Steve H., UK
T., UK
Thassilo H., Germany
Vince M., USA
z@g*.c, Russia
P., Russia
Bruna S., Brazil
Anubhav, India
h***************@g****.c**, Vietnam
n**************@g****.c** India
d*********@1**.c**, China
Dustin, USA
l******@o******.c**, China
m***************@g****.c**, Indonesia
d*********@1**.c**, China
Dustin, USA
l******@o******.c**, China
Basudev D., India
n*****@n********.n**.i*, Israel
Olusegun, Nigeria
Jayanth, India
l************@s***.c**, China
Gabriel, Brazil
d*******@g****.c**, Nigeria
A., India
Reski, Indonesia
n*******@g****.c**, India
T., Turkey
M., Italy
Andrew, USA
a*************@g****.c**, India
John, USA
l***********@g****.c**, Russia
We’ve reached out to winners directly by email. If you recognise your email address but believe you haven’t been contacted yet, you can contact us here.
Special thanks to our prize sponsors CertNexus, Florin Pop, Linode, and SitePoint for donating prizes to the survey! Also thanks to our goody bag sponsors Convox, Kentico, Manning Publications, The Blockchain Academy, and TinyMCE. Are you a company interested in giving away a prize to developers in our next survey? Get in touch!
We’re already on the hunt for prizes for our next global survey, so if you’re not a winner this time, there are more chances to win in our future surveys.
To ensure that you are notified when our next survey is live, sign up. Don’t forget to make sure the survey notification option is ticked.
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